Regular Membership
To become a Regular Member of AAI, an applicant must apply for admission and be approved by the AAI Membership Committee and the Council. Applicants must:
- possess a Ph.D. in immunology or related disciplines (or an equivalent graduate degree such as a D.Sc.) or an M.D. (or an equivalent medical degree such as a D.D.S.) and
- be an author on one article on an immunological topic in a reputable English language, peer-reviewed journal. Manuscripts “at press” at time of application are acceptable when accompanied by a letter from the journal’s publisher or editor-in-chief confirming its acceptance and imminent publication. Abstracts and unpublished papers will not be considered in the evaluation of whether a candidate meets the publication requirement for membership.
- Career development
- Scientific advances
- Representation and advocacy
- Participation and service opportunities
- Eligibility for career-advancing programs
- Financial benefits
For a full description of membership benefits, click here.
Annual membership dues based on the calendar year (January 1–December 31) are $260. (Please note: if you join between October 1 and December 15, your dues will be $325, and you will be a member in good standing for the last quarter of 2020 and all of 2021.) Membership includes online access to The Journal of 后宫导航.
If you already have an account as a current member, past member, or past AAI event attendee:
at the Membership Portal. Once logged in, select the Regular Member Application under Join AAI / Member Applications.
If you are new to AAI:
Visit the secure .
Then complete the required information on the online application:
- Provide the name of an AAI Regular Member who will be your sponsor. If you do not have a sponsor, you can enter in the code 217923 (also provided on the application form).
- Provide payment for the current membership year (either full or part year to December 31) in a payment method accepted by AAI.
- Provide payment for the current membership year (either full or part year to December 31) in a payment method accepted by AAI.
- your advanced degree
- the article on which you base your application.
Your application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee once we have received both your CV and your membership dues payment. Reviews take place approximately every 2-3 weeks. After your application has been reviewed, we will notify you of your membership status by email.
If you are joining for a specific event, activity, award, or fellowship, please note that we conduct reviews every few days leading up to these deadlines as well as on the day of the deadline to accommodate those that are joining for that purpose.
In the case of registration, abstracts and many awards/fellowships, you can register, submit or apply as long as you have paid, even if your membership is still in pending status.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Email: or phone: 301-634-7822 or 301-634-7195.
Regular membership dues are nonrefundable.