
Lustgarten-Thermo Fisher Scientific Memorial Award

Established to honor the memory of AAI member Joseph Lustgarten, Ph.D., this award is intended to advance the career of a mid-career scientist who attends the AAI annual meeting and presents an outstanding abstract specifically in the area of immune regulation. This award is generously supported by Thermo Fisher Scientific.

The award recipient will be recognized and presented with an award certificate during the AAI Business Meeting and Awards Presentation at IMMUNOLOGY2025™. A monetary award of $1,250 will be paid by ACH or wire transfer to the recipient following the AAI meeting. This award may not be combined with other awards or grants for the AAI annual meeting.


To be eligible, an applicant must meet all of these requirements:

  1. Be a Regular AAI member paid through the end of 2025 at the time of application submission.
  2. Hold an appointment of Associate Professor or equivalent.
  3. Have submitted a first-author abstract for presentation (oral or poster) at IMMUNOLOGY2025™. Research shall be in the area of immune regulation with preference given to abstracts which focus on tumor immunology; regulatory cell subsets and/or cell regulation in response to tumors; and cell signaling processes as they relate to immune response to tumors.

Application Instructions

Please submit award application by logging into your AAI member account at , choosing Award Application in the Member Services menu, and selecting Apply Now for the applicable award in the award list. All documents should be uploaded as a single combined PDF file with a file name of less than 25 characters. Please be aware that the single, combined PDF must be no larger than 20MB. Packages that are not complete will not be considered.

Please include the following in the application package:

  1. A cover letter – not to exceed two (2) pages – clearly designating “Lustgarten-Thermo Fisher Scientific Award” and including the following information:
    • Full name (first, middle initial, last)
    • Title and affiliation
    • Current mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address
    • A brief statement of applicant’s research goals
    • Title(s), ID number(s), and topic category of abstract(s) submitted to IMMUNOLOGY2025™
  2. Applicant’s curriculum vitae, including current funding and past AAI awards (NIH Biosketch style)
  3. A copy of the abstract(s) submitted to IMMUNOLOGY2025™, including the abstract submission ID number(s), abstract topic category, title(s), complete author list(s) in order, and body text

Complete application packages must be received by 11:59 PM Eastern on November 19, 2024. Packages must be uploaded as a single combined PDF file through your AAI member account at . Incomplete application packages or applications that do not comply with the stated instructions will not be considered. AAI will not accept materials sent separately, through regular mail, or by email. Final award decisions are at the discretion of AAI.

2024 Lustgarten-Thermo Fisher Scientific Award Recipient

No award given in 2024

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1451 Rockville Pike, Suite 650, Rockville, Maryland 20852
(301) 634-7178 | infoaai@aai.org