Applications are closed
AAI Travel Grants for IUIS
Applications Are Open Tuesday, February 4 – Wednesday, March 5, 2025
AAI is pleased to offer travel grants to AAI members to attend , the 19th International Congress of 后宫导航, August 17-22, in Vienna, Austria. Recipients will be reimbursed up to $2,500 US for their travel expenses to the meeting. All awards will be for reimbursement only. Requests for in-kind payments cannot be accommodated.
We invite AAI members of all career stages to apply. To be eligible, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
- Be a Trainee, Associate, or Regular AAI member in good standing for two consecutive years (member dues paid in full for 2024 and 2025). Applicants must have renewed their membership for 2025 by the time of application submission.
- Have submitted an abstract to IUIS 2025.
Preference will be given to applicants attending IMMUNOLOGY2025™ and applicants with no more than $350,000 in total research funding from all sources (excluding PI salary).
Only one member from a laboratory will be eligible to receive a grant. Applicants may not combine an AAI Travel Grant with any other IUIS 2025 Travel Grant or Award.
Application Instructions
Please submit award application by logging into your AAI member account at and selecting Apply for International Congress of 后宫导航 Travel Grant in the Member Services menu. All documents should be uploaded as a single combined PDF file with a file name of less than 25 characters. Please be aware that the single, combined PDF must be no larger than 20MB. Packages that are not complete will not be considered.
Please include the following in the application package:
- 1. A letter (not to exceed one page) clearly designating “AAI IUIS 2025 Travel Grants” which includes the following information:
- Full name (first, middle initial, last)
- Title and affiliation
- Current mailing address, phone number, and email address
- A brief statement of applicant’s research goals and why attending IUIS 2025 is important to you
- A copy of the abstract(s) submitted to IUIS 2025 (including abstract ID, title, complete author list in order, and body text) and abstract receipt confirmation(s)
- Applicant’s curriculum vitae with a complete list of current research funding, any travel awards to IUIS 2025, and all past AAI awards or grants
- A signed AAI Funding Confirmation Form (Trainee members must submit a Funding Confirmation Form completed by their PI listing the PI’s research funding portfolio.)
Complete application packages must be received by 5:00 PM Eastern on March 5, 2025. Packages must be uploaded as a single combined PDF file through your AAI member account at . Incomplete application packages or applications that do not comply with the stated instructions will not be considered. AAI will not accept materials sent separately, through regular mail, or by email. Final award decisions are at the discretion of AAI.